Overview of legal documents climate case against Shell

On April 4, 2018, we announced a lawsuit against Shell. We ask the court to force Shell to become more sustainable. Below is an overview of all legal documents of our Climate Case.

April 2018

April 2019

Oktober 2020

November 2019

November 2020

December 2020

Court day 1, December 1st


Court day 2, December 3rd


11 December

Court day 3, December 15th


Court day 4, December 17th


30 December


May 26 2021 the verdict: We won!

June 25 2021 letter to Shell

We wrote a letter to Shell in which we request for a meeting with Shell CEO, Ben van Beurden

March 7 2022: Legal Manual

March 22 2022: Shell's Statement of Appeal

October 18 2022: Statement of Defence on Appeal 

  • In the 250-page document, we respond to Shell's arguments and explain why Shell should stop causing dangerous climate change.

February 1st 2023: First expert statement on the likely effect of Shell's reduction obligation

  • This expert statement shows that Shell's argument, that if Shell would sell less oil and gas other companies would immediately fill that gap, is invalid ad that Shell's assumptions are incorrect.

February 1st 2023: Second expert statement by Rotmans and Loorbach

  • In this expert statement, the authors outline how delaying the verdict may buy Shell time, but it won't delay the transition. 

October 10th 2023: Statement of defense on appeal after joinder

March 5 2024: expert statements

On March 5, 2024, we filed the final production list for the appeal against Shell. This is the evidence that will be used during the hearing days of April 2, 3, 4 and 12 in support of our pleadings. Part of the productions are a number of expert statements.

March 27 2024: expert statement

2024: Oral hearings day 3

April 22 2024

