Organization and staff

Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) is an association with over 110,000 members and donors and 35 local branches. We have a paid staff and our national headquarters is in Amsterdam.


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From left to right:
Donald Pols
 - Director - @donaldpols
Laan van Staalduinen - Director

Heads of Departments

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From left to right:
Karine Hustinx - a.i. Head Communication en Fondsenwerving
Freek Kallenberg
- Head of Content and Lobbying
Lotte Jeursen - Head Movement Building
Marijn van der Pas - Coordinator Programme Office International Cooperation



Wijnand Duyvendak - project-director People Power

Programme managers


Lynn van Leerzem - Programme manager Climate Solutions


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Wouter KolkPeer de Rijk




From left to right:
Kirsten Sleven - Spokesperson Energy - @KirstenSleven
Nine de Pater - Spokesperson Energy & Climate - @ninedepater
Bram van Liere - Spokesperson Traffic - @bramvanliere
Wouter Kolk - Spokesperson Forests and Financial Institutions - @wouterkolk74
Peer de Rijk - Spokesperson Climate - @peerderijk

milieudefensie jong  

Milieudefensie Jong (formerly: JMA) is the organization for younger Milieudefensie campaigners between the ages of 16 and 28. Milieudefensie Jong engages in a variety of creative, fun and positive activities focused on Transportation, Forests, Education, Climate and Climate Justice.
For more information, visit the Milieudefensie Jong website or send an email.

Press Office

Persvoorlichter_Jelt_Roos.pngJasperine Schupp 




From left to right:
Jelt Roos - Climate cases Shell & ING, email:
Jasperine Schupp - Climate plans 29 major polluters, email:

The Press Office only responds to journalists and editors via telephone: +31 (0)20 5507 333 or email:
For general information or questions, please contact Milieudefensie’s Service Line: +31 (0)20 6262 620 (Monday-thursday 9.30 am to 4.30 pm) or via

Down to Earth Magazine

Carolien Ceton –  Editor-in-Chief
Down to Earth is Milieudefensie’s own magazine and is published six times annually. The magazine has an independent editorial statute and its articles do not necessarily reflect the views of Milieudefensie.

To propose or submit an article, please contact the editors in advance. Reproduction of articles is permitted after written approval from the editors.
The editorial statutes guarantee the journalistic independence of Down to Earth.
+31 (0)20 5507 374, fax 020 5507 310

Organizational Structure

In legal terms, Milieudefensie is an association with a management board, a national office and local groups.

Friends of the Earth

Milieudefensie is the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth International.
Friends of the Earth International Secretariat

+31 (0)20 6221 369,

More information about Milieudefensie
