An extensive study of ING’s financing of the fossil fuel industry

Dutch bank ING finances tenfold the amount they officially report in firms developing new oil and gas fields. A policy that spells disaster for the planet. These are findings from the recent report 'Uncovering a Multibillion-Euro Fossil Fuel Financing’.

This report was in collaboration with SOMO, the Dutch Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations.

Key takeaways from the research:

  • ING’s financing of companies that develop new oil and gas fields is ten times larger than ING themselves reports.
  • ING keeps financing fossil fuel companies that develop new oil and  gas projects, while on average other banks are reducing financing of  these polluting companies.
  • At present, ING has 45 ongoing collaborations with fossil fuel  companies that will end no sooner than 2040. 5 of these deals were  signed in 2024, and one of them will end only by 2054.

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